Apr 10Liked by Rebecca Gale

So excited to read your articles outside other platforms! Many people would say, "oh enough with early childhood and family," and I'm like "we haven't even started." Glad this field has a person like you! Please keep writing and speaking up!💪

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Thank you so much!

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I'm really excited to read more! I was also pregnant with my first in 2013, though I was a grad student at the time and had access to no leave! (pure luck that I had two well-timed summer babies.) I just finished my next book, about the history of our bad ideas about motherhood, and it's so enraging to see how much of the postwar backlash to mothers working and the state supporting that with childcare is still embedded in our structures.

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Apr 10Liked by Rebecca Gale

Thank you for publishing such an important view point. I was so woefully unprepared for the total lack of infrastructure for working parents in U.S. The amount of rage I still feel as a mother is indescribable

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This is such an important issue with respect to my work in psychotherapy as well. Women frequently lament, "What am I doing wrong?" And really they are not doing something wrong, but the system is not set up for people to be able to do all that they need to - work/home/children/well-being/health, etc. Looking forward to reading more as you write more!

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Apr 2Liked by Rebecca Gale

Thanks for this, Rebecca! I'm excited to read your writing that is able to have a stronger editorial-y voice!

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I have really enjoyed your reporting at Better Life Lab, and I’m looking forward to your more editorial-y work. Thank you for writing on this incredibly important topic!

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